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Freeze off centimeters?

Hi guys,

Today’s review show my first experience with the lipofreeze-method at the Suncenter in Leuven. It states to narrow the waist from the first treatment on but unfortunately I’m afraid for me it didn’t accomplish this statement. As advised I drank a lot of water after the treatment and ate within my healthy pattern but unfortunatley my wishes didn’t come true. Maybe on a long term it did help to lose some centimeters but you are definetly not to expect any miracles.

One session lasts around 60 minutes. A plastic foil is put on your skin along with a gel before placing the vacuuming-machine on the zone to be treated. When the machine is placed it wil vacuum the treated zone into its case and first heat it up before cooling it down to freezing point. None of these phases have I experienced to be painful in any way. After the treatment the zone that was treated apears blue/purple but for me that disappeared within the hour.

Price: +/- €150 (one treatment, one zone)

So this was my experience with the lipofreeze-method. Have you tried it out already and experienced better results? Let me know!

See you soon for the next blogpost!

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